Sunday, August 17, 2008

TLC, PCB '08-Day 3

I'm in the car with Caroline and Liz, headed back to good ole' Georgia. This morning was beautiful, but a little hot for Liz and her sunburn. I woke up when Liz came into the bedroom around eight. We all curled up in the bed to talk about the day before and the sunburn and the weird dreams that we had the night before. After some pillow talk, we got up and went down to the beach for some quiet time and what we called “Beach Church.” We prayed together and read our bibles aloud to one another. What a sweet time with sweet friends. And how special it was to meet with our Creator, sitting before the vast, endless sea and to feel so small and inadequate in His presence. Psalm 8 sums it up when it says “When I consider the works of your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place. What is man that you are mindful of him? The son of man that you care for him? have crowned him with glory and have made him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put everything under his feet. All flocks and herds, the beast of the fields, the birds of the air, and the fish of the sea, all that swim the paths of the seas. Oh Lord, our Lord! How majestic is your name in all the earth!”

After showers and a bit of packing, we headed out for lunch and some more souvenir shopping. We decided on BackYard Burger (Caroline's favorite. We had one in Columbus and they closed. She was crushed.) and then Alvin's Island, which was possibly the largest souvenir shop ever. I am not kidding. Just when you think you hare reached the back wall, you realize that it keeps going. Geesh. I am a little surprised that we made it out alive. We decided that it was in our wallet's best interest to leave. So, we headed back to the condo to finish packing and say goodbye to the perfect weekend.

It's raining now as the trusty Tundra gets us safely back to Columbus. Caroline said it was Florida crying because three fabulous girlies are leaving the sweet, sunshine state. Mmmm. What a thought. I'm glad that we have to leave, because that means that we get to come back. I like that there is something special about the beach. Getting excited about the beach is a great feeling. If I could bottle the smell of the beach, the feeling of the sand moving beneath your feet as the waves come up to the shore and then roll back into sea, and the sweet exhaustion that sweeps over you as you fall into bed after a day in the sun and water, if I could bottle those sweet senses, I would be one rich girl. However, as I savor those memories for myself, coupled with the laughter and fellowship of my sister and my might-as-well-be sister, I find that I am rich. Rich in God's sweet love, mercy, and grace. Rich in His righteousness and overwhelming care and concern for His daughter. Rich in His faithfulness to His wayward little one who always thinks that she knows better than her Heavenly Father and whose faith is lacking so much.

Good thoughts to be continued...


beck'sthree said...

Teresa, just found your blog through your FB page. I'm glad I did. :)


Theresa Garcia said...

I am so glad you did too! I post pretty regularly!

ZacharyMichael said...

nice blog!

You are rich.
I am rich.
We are all rich - and most of the time we don't even know it!