Tuesday, August 05, 2008

D.C.-Day 4

I couldn't believe it was already Saturday as I got up and prepared for another day of site-seeing and fun.

The Newseum was the pick of the day and very likely my favorite part of this trip. A six floor tribute to the history of news, I was awe struck by the incredible amount of history that was packed into this building. As an aspiring journalist and photographer, this was just another encouraging moment in time reminding me why I want to do what I want to do.

We watched a video on the news first and then proceeded to meander through the building. There were parts of the Berlin Wall and a piece from the World Trade Center. The two videos on the WTC were amazing and by the end I was crying. The fact that these reporters were so willing to tell the story and struggle with the balance of reporter and human being was inspiring.

The section that pulled at me the most was the Pulitzer Prize Winning Photos. These photos made me laugh, cry, and pulled at my heart. According to Eddie Adams, this is what makes a good photo. The only thing going through my head was a small voice saying "I want to take those kind of pictures." I was completely enthralled the entire time I was in the Newseum.

After that, we headed to dinner at a little Italian restaurant in Arlington. We were going to head to a movie in Georgetown, but decided against it knowing that the next day would be even bigger.

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