Friday, February 27, 2009


The Springer Opera House announced its 2009-2010 season last night. It's a pretty crowd pleasing season.

  • Footloose
  • Star-Spangled Girl
  • Peter Pan
  • Tuna Christmas
  • Route 66
  • Inherit the Wind
  • Forever Patsy Cline
  • Oklahoma
  • The Complete History of America; Abridged
In the Children's Theater:
  • Bambi
  • Ramona Quimby
  • James and the Giant Peach
A great season, yes? Tonight varied from past season announcement parties. Instead of the board of directors talking the night away, Springer Theater Academy students lead the evenings events. They opened the evening, introduced parts of the season, and talked about the impact that the Springer has had on their lives. It really was too cute to see little Dasha Nolan reading excerpts from senior essays. At the end of the evening, 100 Springer Theater Academy students stood on the stage and performed "Salutations."

What is "Salutations", you ask? "Salutations" is our way of honoring the past, acknowledging the present, and saluting the future. We stand on the shoulders of many who have gone before us and we know that if we do our work well, others will follow. The actual action of "Salutations" is a difficult thing to explain. You kinda have to see it. However, let me assure you that it is a powerful sight. And it is even more powerful to actually do it. I have to admit, I got a small surge of energy as I was going though the motions of "Salutations."

As a graduate of the Springer Theater Academy, I can tell you the difference between stage right and stage left. I can explain the difference between projecting your voice and yelling and demonstrate both. I can use voice inflection with the best of them and demonstrate body isolations. I can stilt-walk and improvise. But these are not the most important lessons that I learned, nor are they the most important lessons that Ron Anderson wanted students to learn when he first established the Springer Theater Academy over 12 years ago. Confidence, discipline, and focus are the lessons that that Mr. Ron imparts to hundreds of children every year. I have seen, and personally experienced, the impact that the Springer has on the community of Columbus, Georgia. The Springer provides a safe-haven for children to learn and grow, as individuals and as artists. The Springer provides the community not only with quality entertainment, but it provides educational opportunities for students in and around the Muscogee County school district. "Life Skills through Stage Skills." The Springer isn't training 700 more actors for Broadway. Instead, it is teaching kids skills that are invaluable for any career, be it doctor, lawyer, accountant, pastor, etc.

I am better person because of the Springer and the community of people that the Springer embodies. I understand and appreciate the history that is the Springer; the people that have gone before me, those that are experiencing it with me now, and those that are yet to come. I love the Springer Opera House for what it is and what it strives to be.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

In Christ Alone

In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.

In Christ alone, Who took on flesh,
Fullness of God in helpless babe!
This gift of love and righteousness,
Scorned by the ones He came to save.
Till on that cross as Jesus died,
The wrath of God was satisfied;
For ev'ry sin on Him was laid—
Here in the death of Christ I live.

There in the ground His body lay,
Light of the world by darkness slain;
Then bursting forth in glorious day,
Up from the grave He rose again!
And as He stands in victory,
Sin's curse has lost its grip on me;
For I am His and He is mine—
Bought with the precious blood of Christ.

No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow'r of Christ in me;
From life's first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow'r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow'r of Christ I'll stand.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thankfulness; Part Deux

Today I am grateful for:

  1. The 8th graders at St. Luke School.
  2. My small group.
  3. Runs in the park.
  4. Dinner with the Carvers.
  5. Sweet sisters.
  6. Phone conversations with Sally.
  7. The thought of sleeping in on Saturday morning.
  8. Good books.
  9. The end of my theater appreciation class.
  10. Peace beyond comprehension.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Movie Ratings: Useful or Useless?

Tuesday, in my theater appreciation class, we discussed censorship and the pros and cons that go with it. Our professor gave several ideas behind censorship and it's purpose; morality, welfare of children, cultural standards of appropriateness, etc. The censorship that we discussed was focused on the arts; film, theater, visual, etc. The discussion that followed was interesting to say the least.

It would seem in our discussion that we found a few double standards. Female nudity is fine, but we are shocked by male nudity. Why is this? Harsh language is confined to the "f" bomb and the "c" word, while "hell" and "damn" are just fine for daytime television and "sh**" is ok after a certain time in the evening. What makes the nighttime acceptable for bad language rather than the daytime? Well, children may be watching during the day. Movies automatically go to an "R" rating if the "f" word is used, but not if there is partial nudity.

So, who decides what movie gets what rating? According to The Classification and Rating Administration, parents, men and women just like you and I, give the movies their ratings. They watch the movies and then give them ratings based on educated estimate as to how the average American parent will react.

The Classification and Rating Administration went into effect November 1st, 1968. It was becoming obvious that the old rules of what was acceptable under "The Hays Code of Production" were not working anymore. Under these rules, actors could appear to be sleeping in the same bed together. One actor must have a floor on the floor at all times. The first major reason for discussion of a new rating system was because of a movie called "Whose afraid of Virginia Wolfe." For the first time the word "screw" was used in a movie. A meeting was called between Jack Valenti, MPAA's general counsel, Louis Nizer, Jack Warner, the legendary chieftain of Warner Bros., and his top aide, Ben Kalmenson. A three hour meeting ensued and it was agreed upon that the word "screw" would be deleted from the movie. The next issue was one concerning nudity. The film, "The Blow-up" was denied The Production Code Administration denied it's seal of approval because of partial nudity. In April 1968, the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the constitutional power of states and cities to prevent the exposure of children to books and films that could not be denied to adults.

So there is your history lesson for the day.

One of the most interesting parts of movie ratings in today's society is that standards and the idea of what is acceptable is constantly changing. Kids know more earlier, people seems numb to violence and seem to have turned a deaf ear to harsh language. Because of this, it seems that the ratings are not as effective as they once were. Because what was once deemed "unacceptable" by the movie gods is now "acceptable" it is almost as if ratings don't matter at all.

This begs the question "Who are the movie gods?" Not the rating board. Who is it that decides what is now acceptable in society and therefore appropriate for the silver screen? Is the The Classification and Ratings Administration (CARA) responsible?

Comments? Ideas? Suggestions? All are welcome, just keep it civil.

This week I learned...

  1. To pay attention to which stove top is on.
  2. Sarah Ann really does love me even though she won't say it back.
  3. Contentment is something I need to work on.
  4. If a little old Chinese lady can worship without a bible, in secret, while cleaning raw sewage, I can (joyfully) worship with a bible, in a fabulous job, in total freedom.
  5. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
  6. Jealousy gets you nowhere.
  7. Obedience is doing what you're told, when you're told, with a smile. (I learned this a long time ago...thanks, Mom.)
  8. I need to work on memorization.
  9. Physical activity is a must.
  10. Sometimes, you are the only one who is going to stand up for you.

Past, present, future...

I have had several events over the course of the past few days which have pointed out to me the rapid speed at which we live and die. "Ugh!" you say. "What a morbid thought!" Nope. I don't think so. Hear me out on this one.

In one weekend, there was announcement of pregnancy, a wedding, and a death. Each event brought thoughts to my mind. The most powerful, however, was the funeral (shocking, I'm sure), although the wedding was a close tie. I want to focus on the funeral though.

The funeral was for Mrs. Sharon Niedrach who died Friday night. I wrote a post about her just a few days ago. Mrs. Sharon had planned out her funeral to a tee. She planned it down to how long the pastors could talk. I loved how each song, bible verse, and each charge to the congregation was clearly Mrs. Sharon. She was in each moment. She wanted the service to glorify God. And I know that it did. It was, without a doubt, the most beautiful funeral service I have ever been too. Although, as I was telling my dad, it was all because of the person. Mrs. Sharon was a beautiful lady. She was beautiful because of her faith. It defined her and that was obvious to everyone who knew her.

As I sat there between my dad and my friend, Matt, it struck me more potently than ever before that this was a woman that I want to imitate, even in death. As the service went on, I was awe struck at the worshipful nature of the service. God was most certainly present and glorified in all that was said and sung. Mrs. Sharon's desire for her funeral service, a celebration of her life, was that the focus be on Jesus Christ. As her sweet friend Marilyn said, "Sharon is not the hero of Sharon's story; Jesus Christ is the hero of Sharon's story." This is because of His grace and mercy in her life. She was not ashamed of the gospel of Christ. She proclaimed it with gladness.

Another thought that hit me was that, while death is not something that I have thought about for myself, it is not something that I totally fear. As a Christian, there is nothing for me to fear in death. I know where I am going. When I said that I want to imitate Mrs. Sharon in death, I mean that I want to long to be with my Savior as she longed to be with Him. While she was sad that she would be leaving her loved ones for a time, she was more than willing, happy, and ready to spend eternity at the Father's feet.

Psalm 115:1
Not to us, O LORD, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Well done, my good and faithful Servant.

I should be working right now. I have two articles that I need to finish up for work before tomorrow morning. However, I was taking a much needed break and was reading up on the blogs that I follow. The one that grabbed my attention was, my sweet friend, Nancy's blog.

Nancy is the youngest of the five Niedrach children. The Niedrach's are a family that I used to go to church with. Mrs. Sharon Niedrach was diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer on March 6th 2007. She has fought a long hard fight and has passed by every deadline given by the doctors. Even now, as she lies in a hospital bed in her home, she is on day four of what the doctors said could be anywhere from mere hours to two days. Nancy says that her sweet mama doesn't want pain medicine because it means that she can't talk to them. Instead, she never complains, only cries when the pain gets to be too much. At this point, she cannot communicate verbally with her family or the doctors, but can still hear and understand what is being said to her.

Words are not adequate when trying to describe the kind of person that Ms. Sharon is and the impact that she has had on everyone around her. She is one of the most godly women I have ever met. Her kind spirit, her humbleness, her wisdom, knowledge and understanding of God's word. Her joyfulness in her Maker is something that I long to have. Her faith is strong enough to move mountains. She is hospitable, gracious, tender hearted, forgiving, funny, smart, an incredible wife and mother, and someone that I aspire to be like. The impact that she has had on my own life may seem small in comparison to others that she has touched, but is huge in my eyes. Her constant encouragement towards me, her sweet words of comfort when I was suffering, her subtle, sweet pointing to the cross, reminding me that "sorrow may last through the night, but joy comes in the morning."

It hurts my heart to know that she is in pain, but her girls write that she is at peace and ready to go home. "Like Jeremiah in the Bible she wanted to share Christ’s message; there is in [her] heart as it were a burning fire shut up in [her] bones, and [she is] weary with holding it in, and [she] cannot. Jeremiah 20:9 She has a fire in her bones for Christ, and that is how she has lived her life. Very soon she will be in eternal happiness. She will know no more sorrow – no more tears. She will hear the words Well done my good and faithful servant Matthew 25:21." (Nancy Niedrach Sisler)

My heart goes out to the Niedrach family as they go through this difficult time.

On Running

I love to run. There is something about it that makes me happy before, during, and after. I have no romantic ideas about it. It's not the wind rushing through my hair. (I mean, who am I kidding? I'm not going that fast.) It's not that I feel particularly glamorous when running. I love the sweat, the way I breath, and the rush of endorphins.

On the girly side, I love running clothes and running shoes. And on the human side, I love the community, the idea that there are millions of people who run and we all do it for similar reasons. I love passing people running the opposite direction and giving a nod of acknowledgment. On the health side, I know that running is good for my heart, it keeps me lean, it strengthens my muscles, and gives me energy.

2007 Country's Midnight Express

So, you get it. I love to run. And I love everything about it. I get new shoes every six months. I read "Runner's World." I try and eat what they say runners should eat and I have pretty much cut everything but water and juice out of my liquid diet. Whoo-Hoo. Go me.

In all of this, I struggle. Time, motivation, time. It is something that I love, but something that I have to schedule. I can think of a million excuses not to get up in the morning, what I have to do after work, why I need to go to bed early. I know that once I hit the ground I am going to be just fine, it's getting there that's the hard part.

This past summer, I ran with my friend, Sam, a number of times. After awhile, Sam asked if we could really run and not "fake" run. I started to realize that I was half jogging, half speed walking. Since then, I have be dedicated to actually running. And this year, I have committed to becoming better at setting a reasonable pace for myself that is actually running. I have also committed to not putting running off. It will not be the thing that I say "no" too. It will be a regular part of my day. It will be something that I do for me.

Want to read what I read? Check out Runner's World.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I love...

that this picture:

spawned this conversation:

Kyle: Is that your dad in that picture with you?
Me: Yes.
Kyle: You guys just look like you have fun.
Me: We do.

It's true. I have a pretty awesome family.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

This week I learned...

  1. Variety is the spice of life.
  2. Security is a relative term/thought/idea.
  3. Routine is a bit more important to me that I originally thought.
  4. I do not mind living alone. In fact, I l-o-v-e it.
  5. Three miles isn't that much...if you think about it.
  6. Keeping up with friends is key to healthy relationships. (Thank you, Gmail Chat.)
  7. Sense of direction is something I should work on.
  8. Surprises aren't all that bad...but I still don't like them.
  9. Stepping out of my comfort zone is something I should do more often.
  10. I wouldn't mind a jet-setter life style.

The Queen of Facebook speaks out.

I have a love hate relationship with Facebook. It's been going on since early 2006. I got on because the guy I was dating was on and I wanted to be able on there too...lame. I know. And it just gets crazier. I am known as the "Queen of Facebook." Seriously. Want to know why?

I have:
  1. 1, 342 friends
  2. 865 pictures of me (that have been tagged)
  3. 70 photo albums
  4. 130 Profile Picture. This means that is how many times I have changed my profile picture since 2006. AND I know that I have deleted one or two.
So, yes, the Queen of Facebook is speaking to you right now. Feel honored.

Over the past (almost) four years, Facebook has kept me entertained, enabled my nosy-ness, helped me waste time, spawned many a political debate, and arguments with my mother. In short, I love Facebook while hating it with a fiery passion of hell. However, I keep my account and am logged in most of the day. Why? I have no idea. It's addicting. Plus, at this point, what's the use in deleting it? The geniuses behind this site have changed their privacy policies and are keeping everything you have ever posted and claim to own it all now, so again...what's the point in deleting my account? I don't see one.

So, without further comment, here are 25 more reasons why I love/hate Facebook.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Arts Education

Part of my job at the Springer is serving as editor of "The Callboard." "The Callboard" is a news publication that we are working on getting out to the high schools here in the Columbus area. Our goal is to becomes the information hub for high schools in the southeast. However, we are starting out pretty small. In each issue we will highlight at least one school and have a calender of all upcoming productions from each school. Also, we will include a list of suggested books and movies, advice from the professionals at the Springer, letters to the editor, etc. We are very excited about this venture and what it can become.

One of the stories that I have been working on for our first issue has to do with obstacles within the schools, especially when it comes to the theater departments. All schools have obstacles of some kind, some more than others, and it seems that the Arts programs suffer the most. In an interesting conversation with a South Columbus teacher, the educator remarked that it was often her class that kids were pulled in order to prepare them for the graduation exam that is required to exit high school. I think that there are several interesting ideas behind this comment. One being the fact that it is necessary to prepare these kids specifically for the graduation test. Another being that these students are pulled from arts classes. Theatre, band, visual art, etc. I am going to have to address these issues separately. I am going to start with the latter.

According to school boards and administrations across the country, theater, visual arts, band, and other Art forms have no place in the public school forum. These classes are the first to have their budgets cut and the first departments to be cut out altogether. In fact, the arts are sooner dropped than any athletic program. Why is it that these classes are considered expendable?
A child’s education consists of subjects such as math, science, English, and social sciences, as well as other subjects. There are no options given to students as to whether or not they want to take these courses. However when it comes to the arts, these courses are seen as electives and may be taken or not taken depending on the child. Why is it that we believe that math, science, history, etc, should be required and the arts can be pushed to the wayside?

I believe that Arts Education is vital to a well rounded education because of what the arts encourage and provide in a child’s life. As a student of music and theatre, I appreciate what the arts have done for me as a person. The arts provided a healthy and safe environment for me to grow as not only an actor and musician, but as a person. I learned how to speak in front of people of all ages with ease and comfort; I learned how to experiment with various methods of presentation without fear of failing; I became comfortable making bold choices; and I was afforded opportunities to learn how to lead and follow effectively in a group. I speak from experience when I say that children who experience the arts are better equipped to become the future leaders that our communities and our world so desperately need. Team work, discipline, commitment, and confidence are all a part of an arts education and are qualities that I do not think we can afford to exclude from any child’s educational experience.

Friday, February 13, 2009

The Dinglewood Lunch Club

Columbus, Georgia has it's pros and cons. I love that I am able to call it home, but at the same time, I am ready to get the heck out of dodge. However, there are people, places, and things that make Columbus bearable to me at this point in my life and I want to share a few.

  1. My family. I love that they are here and I love that we are able to spend time together without hundreds of miles between us and the need to get on a plane. (However, when the time comes to get on that plane, I won't be unhappy that it is here. Not because of my family, but because of Columbus.)
  2. Friends. I have some pretty awesome friends here. They are a diverse group, but that is what makes them so great.
  3. The food. I know this sounds silly and a lot of people would argue with me, but I love the restaurants here. There are so many places here in Columbus that are special to our city. Dinglewood, Deorios, Country's, The Farm House, I could go on and on.
  4. Young Life. Yes, there is Young Life all over this country and I intend on being a part of it no matter where I am, but the kids at Shaw High School are the ones that I have a relationship with now.
  5. My church family. I really love my church. I am refreshed every week and I love the ministry that is going on at St. Andrews.
I say all of this because today I had lunch with my friend, Joseph Davis, at Dinglewood where we tend to eat together for the most part. (Meghan Doll was supposed to join, but slept instead...just a shout out to you, Mego!) Lunch with Joseph is always uplifting to me. He reminds me that I am not alone in my struggle to find the right path for my life. That I am all but alone in my journey with Christ. That I am not alone in my discouragements, my dreams, my hopes and aspirations. He reminds me that it's ok not to have it all together and that those who seem to have it all together are the ones that you need to take a second look at because without a period of brokenness, you can't experience God's grace to the max.

I do love Columbus, Georgia. I really do. But as Colt Miley would say; "It's like this little bubble." And I want out of that bubble for the time being. So, when opportunities come my way, like lunch with Joe, I will gladly take them and enjoy them with a grateful heart knowing full well that God will never give me more than I can handle.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Gracias...not "Garcias"

I am thankful for this group of people.

Verse of the day.

...even if you have been banished to the most distant nations, from there the Lord your God will gather you and bring you back. Deuteronomy 30:4

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

This week I learned...

  1. Not to talk on the phone and go through the drive-thru at the bank at the same time. This allows you to be able to not cash checks that you intend to deposit which then end up lost/stolen.
  2. Time management is something that I have GOT to work on.
  3. Trust is a leap of faith no matter what side of the fence you are on.
  4. I hate math. (This is not something that I figured out this week, I just re-discovered.)
  5. Sleep and high school girls don't mix on weekend getaways...unless you are with the freshman and sophomore girls, in which case they will do whatever you say.
  6. A mother's need/urge to defend her child never goes away.
  7. American Idol is super dramatic this season.
  8. I am not a playwright.
  9. I love Meghan Doll, Julie Davis, and Katie Kelly more than life itself.
  10. Young Life has my heart and the kids at Shaw High School are my world.

Monday, February 09, 2009

STC 2009

We tell kids that going to Sharptop will be the best weekend of their lives. And it is. Seriously.

We are supposed to leave from the Target parking lot at 4pm. HA. Yeah right. Kids loose or forget forms, kids are late, leaders are late, kids have to go to the bathroom, kids need to go into Target, leaders need to go into Target. You name it, it happens. We finally got on the bus and on the road around 4:40pm. Only forty minutes late. Not bad. The ride up was pretty awesome. We played music and sang and danced. The kids thought I was an AWESOME dancer...not.

We arrived a Sharptop Cove around 8pm. Plenty of time to get settled before our first leader meeting. In our leader meeting, Chris Ashburn, our weekend program director, asked for a female volunteer for the on-going skit. This girl would play a work crew girl and be the girl that "Hercules" would fall for. "Hercules" was a nerdy little guy and pretty funny. I agreed to be that girl and was promptly named "Trixie." For the rest of the weekend, I was greeted with "TRIXIE!!!" by all the kids. Pretty funny. I was a part of program all weekend. Hercules would try and hit on Trixie and mess up the pick-up lines, he would insult her without meaning to. In the end, he gets the girl. Nice happy ending.

The girls and I were placed in Lookout Mountain. Meghan and I each had a room, Meghan with the older girls and me with the young girls. We were really only apart when we were sleeping. Cabin time was done together. Dinner was served around 9pm, followed by club and then cabin time. Our first night at STC ended after midnight. Whew.

Saturday started early with a leader meeting at 8:15am, followed by breakfast, games, club, cabin time, lunch, and then a day of free time. Another leader meeting, dinner, club, quiet time/blackout, cabin time, entertainment night, and then bed time. Busy day, eh?

Sunday morning started with the last leader meeting, breakfast, club, packing, cleaning, meeting with kids, Frontier Ranch video, free time, loading up, and heading home. At home we were greeted by our awesome committee who had a pizza, a classic cookie, and a coke for all the leaders.

Club. Our time in club was awesome. The singing was a huge hit. The kids loved every song. Our speaker was Chuck Scott, former pro football player for the L.A. Rams (back before they moved to St. Louis). Chuck is now a Young Life Area director. Saturday night it one of my favorite parts of a weekend at Sharptop Cove. This is the night that we bring the kids to the cross and tell them why Jesus died for their sins. After the talk, we send them outside for 20 minutes of uninterrupted silence and stillness with their Maker. All the light are turned out all over camp and you can see the stars and the moon and you can hear the rushing creek below camp. It's really beautiful.

Leader meetings. These meetings were held in the leaders lounge, a place to have space from kids, and this is the time when we heard the plan for the day and spent time together in the Word and in prayer. Awesome bonding time as leaders.

Cabin time. This was a small group time where each room/school got together and talked about what Chuck had shared. This was a time for kids and leaders to open up about thoughts and ideas concerning God, religion, and life in general.

Meal time. Another favorite time for campers and leaders alike. Lots of music. Amazing food. Good bonding time.

Overall, the weekend was a huge success. God was truly moving in the lives of kids and leaders alike. Thank you to those of you who prayed for us. It was felt and appreciated.

Saturday, February 07, 2009

Quote of the day.

A heart for the glory of God and a heart of mercy for the nations make a Christ-like missionary. -John Piper

Friday, February 06, 2009

Guest Blogger

I am getting ready to leave for Sharptop in a bit and don't really have time to think about what to blog. I am giving you a guest blogger today. I think this is a great post and relates well to what I am doing this weekend.


Thursday, February 05, 2009

Three Hundred and Two

That, my friends, is the amount of money that I lost in the past twelve hours. Let me start at the beginning.

Yesterday afternoon, I went and cashed a check for three hundred and two dollars and some odd change. I didn't really mean to cash it, but I was on the phone at the time and I didn't have a deposit slip and I wasn't thinking and I was in the drive-thru and the bank teller cashed it and I got the envelope and I put it in my purse and I thought "OK. Whatever, I'm paying my rent tomorrow morning."

The rest of the details are not really important. I have searched and searched and searched. I have looked in every bag, cleaned out my car, look under the couch, my bed, and every table and chair that I own. I have looked in my bathroom and through all of my laundry. I cannot find this money. I have made phone calls and prayed without ceasing since I realized that it was gone. And still, nothing.

There are several thoughts in my head right now.

  1. I am about to go to Sharptop and Satan is working to prevent me from thinking about the weekend and focusing on the weekend. Well, I'm on to you, buster.
  2. I ended up asking my parents for the money. I have not asked my parents for money in over two years. Occasionally, they have given me money just because they wanted too, but I have never asked for it and that was a source of pride for me. Calling my mom and telling her about losing my money was one of the hardest things I have ever done. My parents offer to give me the amount that I lost and my actually taking it was even harder.
Irresponsibility is not really my thing. Asking my parents for money is not really my thing either. Perhaps God is using this to further break me down and humble me. Whatever the case is, I am sure that He will be glorified through this. His promise is clear; "All things work for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." (Romans 8) He is taking away my pride and that can only be a good thing.

"I will bless the Lord at all times. His praise shall continually be in my mouth." Psalm 34:1

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Quote of the day.

Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.
~Margaret Thatcher

I'm a copy-cat.

Peyton Baker got to this before I did, so I am going to call myself a copy cat. However, I was just searching for these words when I went to her blog and saw them as her latest post. They are too wonderful not to share here as well.

Before the throne of God above
I have a strong and perfect plea
A great High Priest whose name is Love
Who ever lives and pleads for me.

When Satan tempts me to despair
And tells me of the guilt within
Upward I look and see Him there
Who made an end to all my sin.

Because the sinless Savior died
My sinful soul is counted free
For God the Just is satisfied
To look on Him and pardon me
To look on Him and pardon me.

Before the throne of God,
I come before the throne of God, I come
Behold Him there, the risen Lamb
My perfect spotless righteousness
The great unchangeable I Am,
The King of glory and of grace

My name is graven on His hands
My name is written on His heart
I know that while in Heaven, He stands
No tongue can bid me thence depart.

One with Himself I cannot die
My soul is purchased with His blood
My life is hid with Christ on high
With Christ my Savior and my God
With Christ my Savior and my God.

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

This week I learned...

  1. Passwords are never protected, no matter how secure you think they are.
  2. Chapstick is a good thing to have in your pocket.
  3. I hate Melissa's voicemail.
  4. I am ready for warmer weather.
  5. I need an oil change.
  6. Cleaning my apartment should be a more regular thing on my part.
  7. Time Management needs to be more of a priority.
  8. I am more refreshed after time in His word.
  9. Sarah Ann is a fabulous math tutor.
  10. A picture says a thousand words.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Sharptop Cove

Four days and counting until we (Greater Columbus Young Life) leave for Sharptop Cove.

As most of you know, I am a Young Life leader at Shaw High School here in Columbus. This weekend, we are taking our high school friends to Sharptop Cove in Jasper, Georgia right above Atlanta. I covet your prayers as we continue to sign kids up for camp, drive up on Friday afternoon, spend the weekend solidifying relationships, sharing the Gospel, and then as we come back on Sunday afternoon.

So far, Shaw as around 27 kids signed up. I have complete faith that God is going to place the kids He wants on the bus. Please pray that these kids would be open to the Gospel message, that God would work in their hearts, that He would place a yearning, burning desire in their hearts for Him, and that these kids (the girls especially) would open up and share with with me.

Please also pray for me as I spend the weekend with these girls. That the words that come out of my mouth during Cabin Time would be God's, not mine; that I would be in God's word and within understanding distance of Him; that God would minister to my heart and refresh my spirit as I seek to minister to these kids; and that I would surrender to myself to Him.

I love you all and I am so grateful for the prayer warriors that God has provided me with.

"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." -James 5:16b

"I sought the Lord and he answered me..." -Psalm 34:4

"Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it and it will be yours."-Mark 11:24

"For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you..."-Colossians 1:9

"The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you all. My love to all of you in Christ Jesus! Amen!" -1 Cor. 16:23-24

Sunday, February 01, 2009

Thankful Sunday

Today I am thankful for:

  1. The fireplace at my parent's house.
  2. The ability to worship God in the open.
  3. Super Bowl Sunday.
  4. Lunches with Ms. Alison.
  5. Sharptop Cove.
  6. Sweet tea.
  7. My job.
  8. Sweet friends.
  9. Living near a gas station.
  10. Long-sleeved t-shirts.
  11. Peace.
  12. Good music and dancing.
  13. Isaiah.
  14. Pastors with a sense of humor.
  15. The possibility of snow.