We are supposed to leave from the Target parking lot at 4pm. HA. Yeah right. Kids loose or forget forms, kids are late, leaders are late, kids have to go to the bathroom, kids need to go into Target, leaders need to go into Target. You name it, it happens. We finally got on the bus and on the road around 4:40pm. Only forty minutes late. Not bad. The ride up was pretty awesome. We played music and sang and danced. The kids thought I was an AWESOME dancer...not.
We arrived a Sharptop Cove around 8pm. Plenty of time to get settled before our first leader meeting. In our leader meeting, Chris Ashburn, our weekend program director, asked for a female volunteer for the on-going skit. This girl would play a work crew girl and be the girl that "Hercules" would fall for. "Hercules" was a nerdy little guy and pretty funny. I agreed to be that girl and was promptly named "Trixie." For the rest of the weekend, I was greeted with "TRIXIE!!!" by all the kids. Pretty funny. I was a part of program all weekend. Hercules would try and hit on Trixie and mess up the pick-up lines, he would insult her without meaning to. In the end, he gets the girl. Nice happy ending.
The girls and I were placed in Lookout Mountain. Meghan and I each had a room, Meghan with the older girls and me with the young girls. We were really only apart when we were sleeping. Cabin time was done together. Dinner was served around 9pm, followed by club and then cabin time. Our first night at STC ended after midnight. Whew.
Saturday started early with a leader meeting at 8:15am, followed by breakfast, games, club, cabin time, lunch, and then a day of free time. Another leader meeting, dinner, club, quiet time/blackout, cabin time, entertainment night, and then bed time. Busy day, eh?
Sunday morning started with the last leader meeting, breakfast, club, packing, cleaning, meeting with kids, Frontier Ranch video, free time, loading up, and heading home. At home we were greeted by our awesome committee who had a pizza, a classic cookie, and a coke for all the leaders.
Club. Our time in club was awesome. The singing was a huge hit. The kids loved every song. Our speaker was Chuck Scott, former pro football player for the L.A. Rams (back before they moved to St. Louis). Chuck is now a Young Life Area director. Saturday night it one of my favorite parts of a weekend at Sharptop Cove. This is the night that we bring the kids to the cross and tell them why Jesus died for their sins. After the talk, we send them outside for 20 minutes of uninterrupted silence and stillness with their Maker. All the light are turned out all over camp and you can see the stars and the moon and you can hear the rushing creek below camp. It's really beautiful.
Leader meetings. These meetings were held in the leaders lounge, a place to have space from kids, and this is the time when we heard the plan for the day and spent time together in the Word and in prayer. Awesome bonding time as leaders.
Cabin time. This was a small group time where each room/school got together and talked about what Chuck had shared. This was a time for kids and leaders to open up about thoughts and ideas concerning God, religion, and life in general.
Meal time. Another favorite time for campers and leaders alike. Lots of music. Amazing food. Good bonding time.
Overall, the weekend was a huge success. God was truly moving in the lives of kids and leaders alike. Thank you to those of you who prayed for us. It was felt and appreciated.
1 comment:
hey theresa :) i'm glad you had fun! your blog is interesting, so i'm following you. haha :P
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