Thursday, September 25, 2008

At Thy Feet I Fall

**Note** This is not exactly the way that I have sung it, but the words are the same and it is one of my favorites.

At Thy Feet I Fall

words: William Cowper (1779)

God of my life to thee I call
Afflicted at thy feet I fall
And though the water floods prevail
Leave not my trembling heart to fail
Friend to the friendless and the faint
Where should I lodge my deep complaint?
Where but with thee, whose open door invites the helpless and the poor?

God of my life to thee I call
Afflicted at thy feet I fall

Does every mourner plead with thee
And thou refuse the mourner's plea?
Does not thy word still fixed remain
That none should seek thy face in vain?
It were a grief I could not bear
Does thou not hear and answer prayer?
A prayer hearing answering God supports me under every load...

God of my life to thee I call
Afflicted at thy feet I fall

Fair is the lot that's cast for me
I have an advocate with thee
They whom the world caresses most
Have no such privilege to boast
Poor though I am despised, forgot
Yet God, my God, forgets me not
And He is safe and must succeed for whom the Lord vow safe to plead..

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