Wednesday, July 29, 2009

This week I learned...

Whew! I haven't done this in awhile! Back to the grind...a fun grind though it be.

  1. I miss Windy Gap.
  2. I miss my sister more.
  3. Although the food at WG was awesome, I think most would agree with me when I say the fruit was not so awesome. Fruit here at home is mucho better-o.
  4. Running the hills of North Carolina trained me to run the slight inclines in Georgia.
  5. I need to work on responding in love.
  6. Eve was right about so much and my new little Columbus haven is just one thing on that list.
  7. God is everywhere, not just at WG. (I mean, I knew that. I just might not have felt it.)
  8. I am excited about the new chapter of my life that begins this week.
  9. Facebook is almost painful these days.
  10. No T.V. is one of my new favorite perks to living in the attic. (more on this later...)
Random Fact**I have listened to nothing but Drew and Ellie since returning to Columbus.


Hannah. said...

Hey. I'm not too sure you know me. I do Young Life, i know we have met before but it's Hannah Illges. We met at the Pancake Breakfest. I was wanting to know how your trip was to Windy Gap.
Maybe we could get lunch sometime, if you would like. I would love for us to become friends. you seem like a really sweet person and i wanted to know how you got started with Young Life, i am very interested in that.
Let me know!
Hannah :)

Theresa Garcia said...

I would love to do that!! Please email me ( and we will swap phone numbers and get together soon!!
