Sunday, July 05, 2009

"Give me an undivided heart, Lord."

Sundays are pretty special here at Windy Gap. It's our sleep in day, our optional breakfast day, our new camper day, but most special to me is the fact that today is the day that as a whole camp of summer staffers, work crew, summer interns, assigned team and families, and staff, we worship the Lord together.

I really dig John Sharp's preaching/worship style and today was no different. He had all of us chose a verse that had been on our hearts and read it aloud to one another. Having God's word read and shared in that way was so sweet and powerful. John explained it as giving a gift to one another; that gift being the word of God. We talked about loving the Lord with all our hearts, souls, and mind, and our neighbor as ourselves. Learning to love one another extravagantly.

After the reading of the Word, John had us pray that God would take our thoughts captive. I was struck my one particular verse that was read today from Psalm 86, verse 11b. "Give me an undivided heart." It is so easy to be divided in your heart, even when you aren't in the real world. Distractions are less here, but exist all the same.

And so this becomes another part of my prayer this month. That God will give me an undivided heart. That I will focus on Him completely and be filled by His spirit. I want to be satisfied by Him alone, realizing that everything else is merely frosting, if you will.

More later. Much love and many thanks for reading and praying.

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