Friday, July 10, 2009

Drew and Ellie

We have had a dream team when it comes to assigned team here at Windy Gap. Great program guys, an incredible speaker, and fabulous musicians. Everyone gets along and everyone shares the same passion for telling kids about Jesus.

One of my favorite parts of this summer has been getting to know Drew and Ellie Holcomb. They are the entertainment here at camp and they are fabulous. They are quite obviously in love with one another and both share an incredible passion for Jesus and sharing His love, along with being ridiculously talented.

I had the opportunity to sit down with Ellie one afternoon and swap stories with her. It was crazy how similar our stories are. She was with a guy before Drew and they almost got married. She went through a pretty dark time and is very open about that. Her words, her pain, and her general out look on the situation reminded me of myself when Ben and I broke up. Her reliance on the Father. Her tears and depression. Her need for Jesus. As she told me of feeling love and then being rejected, my own past came back to me in a quick and nauseating fashion. We shared with each other the lies that Satan had fed us during our dark moments, the love of our earthly parents that was showered on both of us, the goodness of sweet friends, and then finally, we shared our discovery of the truest, purest love that has ever existed. Ellie's patience, faith, and sweet submission to her heavenly Father was rewarded with a marriage that is one of the sweetest I have ever seen.

Ellie tells the story of her and Drew's dating by saying that just one week into the relationship, Drew sat her down and told her that he was going to hurt her and disappoint her. Ellie's immediate response was "Oh no." Not exactly what you want to hear, right? Drew told her, "I'm human and I am going to mess up. But I just want you to run towards Jesus, because He is going to love you way better than I ever could." Just let that soak in for a minute.

Girls, when you meet the man that says that with sincerity and honesty, snatch him up. What love!

Check out Drew and Ellie's music with the link provided above. More stories to come.

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